Oh looks like we're almost mid of the the year 2015, just as i promised before earlier this year i've already presented many goodies, medias, review/built articles, some great stuff to read and downloadable play around stuff for you all. Well for my mid year updates right now i have bunch of stuff waiting for me to test and review which is currently in my inventory (..crowding on my table) which include some FPV equipment, ready to fly packages from our sponsors and also some home made FPV/UAV/drone models which is already flown (active currently) but yet to be documented as i still have tonnes of fun flying outside my home and club airfield before i slow down and get back behind my computer to write about it...check my tweeters for sneeky peeky. Also thanks to our active sponsors GEARBEST.com, BANGGOOD.com and RUNCAM.com for sending lots of resources to keep my project going and reviews tyhe stuff for all you fans and audience out there. Below are list of stuff expected to publish at my website soon:
1. DIY home made Foamy FPV-600 multirotor builds
Status: Build and flight completed. Awaiting build log documentation.
Gallery: Click Here
Video: FPV-600 Live OSD view -MultiWii Pro
Video: FPV-600 Sunny Lake
Video: FPV-600 Morning flight
Video: FPV-600 Maiden flight
Video: FPV-600 RunCam HD F2.8
Comment: Awesomeness! This is my favorite home made quad. 2. RUNCAM HD F2.8
Status: Test and actual usage completed: Awaiting review article to be publish.
Gallery: Click Here
Video: FPV-600 Sunny Lake
Video: FPV-600 Morning flight
Video: FPV-600 RunCam HD F2.8
Vendor links: RUNCAM HD F2.8
Comment: I don't think i need my GoPro Hero 4 to do my aerial task. This F2.8 version rocks.3. JJRC H16 -TARANTULA X6
Status: Awaiting shipment to arrive. (3 June 2015)
Vendor links: JJRC H16 -TARANTULA (with 5MP HD camera)
Vendor links: JJRC H16 -TARANTULA (without camera)
Comment: Awesomenesss! ..can't wait to received it.4. HT F801C quadcopter
Status: Awaiting test flight activity..Work In Progress.
Gallery: Click Here
Video: HT F801 C quadcopter - Part 1: unboxing review
Vendor links: HT F801C quadcopter with camera
Comment: Not really something i had in mind but still looks fun little thing around the house.5. EACHINE 700TVL 1/3 CMOS FPV 110 degree camera + 32 channel video tx combo
Status: Awaiting suitable flying platform to test the combo set prefered night FPV flyer.
Gallery: Click Here
Vendor links: EACHINE 700TVL 1/3 CMOS FPV 110 degree camera with 32 channel video transmitter combo
Comment: Still waiting for right platform for night flying and stuff. Maybe will be tested on TARANTULA X6.6. DIATONE FPV250 builds
Status: Build and flight completed. Awaiting build log documentation.
Gallery: Click Here
Video: DIATONE FPV250 racer - Field Run #2
Video: DIATONE FPV250 racer - Field Run #1
Video: DIATONE FPV250 racer - Test flight
Comments: Fun but not as awesome as i expected. Short lived due to boredom.7. FOXTECH Horyzon HD4 FPV camera
Status: Test and actual usage completed: Awaiting review article to be publish.
Gallery: Click Here
Video: Foxtech HORYZON HD4 - Review Part 4: Flight test
Video: Foxtech HORYZON HD4 - Review Part 3: Time lapse
Video: Foxtech HORYZON HD4 - Review Part 2: Ground test
Video: Foxtech HORYZON HD4 - Review Part 1: Unboxing
Vendor links: FOXTECH Horyzon HD4 FPV camera
Comments: This thing is handfully huge. Got quality but didn't fit the bill. Awesome camera for bigger flying platform.
.....and also more FPV stuff from our sponsors.
Just tune in to my tweets, youtube channels and also updates on my gallery at my website because i frequently update more visual stuff before real written articles/reviews/documentation comes in. Cheers.