This is the first real Concept Design sports car released last February 2005 and reconditioned for second released for 4x4 evo2 - EXODUS (version 8.2s SE). EXODUS was designed as a prototype car and as a sample to test our next design for our latest exotic sport car. Our first released was in 4x4 evo1, exposed several new internal feature with functional doors, hoods, and engines and etc. However it doesn't not show impressive solid view of EXODUS using 4x4 evo1 basic in-game graphics feature. So by mid March 2005 EXODUS meshes was restructured and texture redesigned to take advantages over 4x4 evo2 graphics engine. Using the reflection option 'On' and direct rendering using in-game 'DirectX 8/9 Hardware T and L' the second version of EXODUS 'SILVER DREAM' edition show us extremely way beyond expectation. From fury beast of 4x4 evo1 to beautiful diamond and jewel of 4x4 evo2 no doubt the EVO2 TnL graphic engine sculpted our EXODUS into living reality. Witness some unbelievable realistic screenshots and rides below.
