I bought two units of fresh kits Lanxiang F-22 Raptor because someone gave up building it,  what a great bargain!. Unfortunately building  this twin 70mm EDF unit gobble up deep into my pockets and i could only afford to build just one kit leave another empty. This build uses lots of servos, BEC, huge ESC and 6s Lipo pack.  The good news is its the most easiest jet to fly since it flew like a glider thanks to the overall wide body design that almost act like a huge flat wing.  No wonder noobs could fly an F-22. Unfortunately for this size its not a budget friendly for something that fly just 8 minutes on giant 6s lipo battery pack. Plus its hard to fit inside my sedan size car because the fuselage so long it hit my front dashbboard. Great jet plane to fly, super scale realism but took lots of time and resources to get it moving.
