Internationally most popular groups of R/C modeler and hobbyist enthusiast gather here than include me. Best place to hang around daily for information, guides and supports.
Another cool place to find info about R/C hobby.
One of the most popular community for FPV R/C hobby enthusiasts gather around here. Tonnes of FPV information, discussion, tech and latest trends.
One of the best site for DIY FPV models, tech how to and guru for aerial flight tech.
Best place to check out review and test flight of various R/C models. They even feature most of their review in Youtube. My favorite channel to watch.
Community of DIY made drone, FPV, multirotors and autonomous models. Also related to R/C stuff.
Latest global news on FPV, UAV and autonomous vehicle. Another interesting tech news on daily updates.
E-Calculator for planes, EDF jets, helicopter and mutirotor. Calculating motor, esc, battery, proppellers, rpm and torque efficiency best for matching your power hardware on your flying models.
Best place to look for latest R/C products and discount coupons codes on Hobby King products.
Live Flight tracking that give lots of useful info about tracking, local weather and everything you need to know to keep a safe well planned FPV/UAV/drone flight and avoid heavy congested airspace.
Good place to search for buddy codes discounts daily.
Flight Planner/Aeronautical Charts great for all those FPV/UAV and drone pilots for planning, monitoring route and for safety flight.
Usefull realtime resources for FPV/UAV/Drone pilot to monitor and caution about the air traffic and keep model flight safer.
Usefull for any FPV/UAV/Drone pilot to get a glimpse of overall trafic around their local airspace before planning for their model flight and review their safety measures/plan.
One of the biggest and oldest R/C modeller organization that set standard, rules and clubs in the US for any R/C flying activity. Updates latest news in R/C worlds and also in relation with FAA governing the use of airspace.
A good website to check pattern of routes and air traffic for various flight operation around the globe. Best resources for FPV, UAV and drone hobby operator to understand the nature of commercial and non-commercial flight path for traffic avoidance and prohibition. Please avoid flying into crowded airspace and check your local ATC.
Good place to catch up latest civilian drone hobby enthusiast and daily trends.
Best place to check local airport activity such as commercial departure and arrival. However it doesn't indicate private aircraft or individual flight schedule. These flight reference guides to avoid any conflict of local aviation operation and best to stay away from critical flight path. Understanding these flight timetable give you some view and awareness how busy the airspace and should avoid any personal drone flight into such airspace.
Ready to fly your FPV/UAV/drone models? Better check your local weather first to see where's your ideal wind direction, how much GPS satelite lock you expected to get, wind lift and take off direction. Add this into your flight must do check list,
A great place to listen to live air traffic chatter between any airport in the world. Listen to live ATC radio conversation between ground operator and aircraft in the air. Great site for any aviation enthusiasts.
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