This is a heavy duty 1kg filament spool holder for PP3DP UP PLUS /PLUS 2 3D Printer (Parts type: XL-RCP 12.0). I create this to support an alternative and cheaper version of ABS/PLA filament spool printing rolls from China manufacturer that was too wide and extremely heavy. Previously broke my stock spool holder on my 3D printer. This new improve spool holder could support up to 1000gram/1kg weight, wider and narrow insertion filament spool hole. This kit also comes with wide length filament clip.
Fitting specification & requirements:
Fitting on 3D printer model type: PP3DP UP PLUS/ PLUS UP2
ABS/PLA filament spool support type: 1000 gram/1kg max.
Complete assembly parts:
Blow-out parts:
How to:
Very easy, download the 3x parts of STL (up_base.STL, up_shaft.STL & up_clip.STL) and print them individually on ABS material. Then "up_base.STL" part and "up_shaft.STL" part have to be bonded using super glue upon insertion into the cylinder spool holder.
Then bolt them respectively on the side of your UP PLUS/UP PLUS 2 3D printer.
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Download STL file for 3D printing
Lists of alternative 3D printing filament spool supported at max 1000gm/1kg weight
Belows are the list for the supported filament: