This is ES DRIFTER manufactured by EASY SKY. Model belong to the scale flight category the "Ultralight" which based on existing real ultralight planes, should not be confused by a Glider category since it doesn't have such flight characteristic of a glider either. Marketed towards basic and intermediate R/C pilot which can easily bought from online stores. Wings and cockpit are made of light EPO foam,plastic skeletal main
frame, while the tail boom and wing support cabane are made from carbon fiber. Stock airframe are extremely lightweight and suited to any R/c flyer who just graduated from basic flying or getting a second plane.
During its first introduction into the R/C community the trend didn't pickup well because FPV community was too reluctant to use it as FPV platform due to its size and very sensitive to wind flying characteristic. So i stepped out, took my first bite to convert it into scale FPV platform, 2x month after continuous flight success i manage to convince the FPV community that this is most ultimate scale Drifter Ultralight for FPV into epic sky adventure.
Model specification & setup
Airframe type: Ultralight
Branding/Manufacturer: Easy Sky
Model name variant: DRIFTER
Material build: EPO 60% + Plastic 20% + Carbon fibre 20%
Wingspan: 950mm
Length: 850mm
Stock airframe weight: 460 gram
Full FPV flying weight: 615 gram
Aileron: 1x 5g servo
Elevator: 1x 5g servo
Rudder: 1x 5g servo
ESC: 20A
Motor: Stock 2300KV (2s) when using 3s lipo throttle control max limit at 85%
External BEC: 5A/5V
Propeller: Stock 2 blade 7x3.5"
Radio receiver: Frsky telemetry 8ch
Radio receiver antenna: diversified DIY di-pole antenna
Battery: 1x 2200mah 2s~3s 25c
Center Gravity: 1/3 from the front leading edge of the wing. Nose tilt down 5% from horizontal.
My DIY FPV specification
Camera: 808 #16 V2 HD with live video out
Secondary camera: None
Camera pan/tilt mechanism: 9g HXT900 (180 deg mods)
Flight Control board (Drifter 1): 3D Robotics/APM
Flight Control board (Drifter 2): Arkbird OSD /RTH/GPS V1
Flight Control board (Drifter 3): 3D Robotics/APM
Video transmitter: Boscam 5.8ghz
Video antenna: DIY tuned Clover Leaf
Battery: Shared with main.
Even before i had my hands on this, by looking at the catalogue i knew from the start that this platform indeed is going to be the scale FPV king. It wasn't that hard to install everything in place, the whole fuselage are very open and accessible for direct hardware placement. Just need to remove the back seat to
accommodate extra space for modules such as AP flight board like ARKBIRD, FEIYU, ARDUPILOT or STORM OSD. The placement for main lipo battery are located frontal nose under the cockpit dashboard optimal fits 2200mah 3s 25c with minor foam scrapping, you'll get a perfect CG from there at 1/3 from the front leading edge of the main wing. Under the fuselage you can put your video transmitter upside down for better L.O.S antenna transmission, the landing gear holds great to provide ground clearance for clover leaf or short omni antenna. The RF separation between my RX module with diversified di-pole antenna, VTX module with CL antenna, ferrite less UBEC and ESC is well distanced among each other allow clean and clear RF frequency propagation to my FPV Ground Station with no L.O.S obstruction. On the first day of FPV it maiden without a hitch, had a first beautiful flight. 2 months later a second Drifter Ultralight with exactly same hardware build was born. I have twins and i love them dearly.
FPV building level difficulty/rating: Hard/Advance (2/10)
FPV equipment setup grade: Advanced
Building hours required: 48 hours
Skill required: Soldering/Foam cutting.
Critical issues during installation: Keeping the weight to most minimal.
Required additional mods/must do improvement: Beef up the motor mounting/solid reinforcement + re-glue all control hinges.
FPV flight characteristic and performance
Slow, relaxing, maneuverable, agile, responsive and hover-ability are best way to describe its flying characteristic. It sounds
easy to fly if the airframe was build/setup right from the start especially the CG and the control trimming are correctly setup. Slightly 15% heavy on the nose is very recommended. 70% of the owner got the setup wrong on their first ownership short lived their flight permanently because Drifter Ultralight is sensitive to improperly setup/build. When FPV throttle control and rudder control is the key to successful flying. When i fly as FPV in a Drifter i don't feel the "heaviness" and "lagness" of a glider, it feels more freedom and floatiness in 360 degree control. Glider like AXN and SKY SURFER/BIXLER feels very sluggish, heavy and it felt like it was swimming inside murky mud, however the Drifter Ultralight coasts like unsinkable Swan. I don't have to worry about countering the aileron rolls because the airframe is naturally have positive CG "pendulum effect" due to high wings and distance to base airframe CG. Both VLOS and FPV takeoff and landing are fairly easy to do. The day i flew the Drifter Ultralight is the last day i every going to touch my Gliders (AXN & SKY SURFER), no turning back Drifter rocks.
Minimum level of VLOS flight experience required/flight-hours: Advance(580 hour)Minimum level of basic FPV flight experience required/flight-hours: Intermediate (325 hour)
Nature of platform handling experience/skill required: Glider, scale and acrobatic flight
Self leveling capability in thumbs-off stick situation: Yes
Take-off & landing difficulty: Easy
Hand launch: Yes
Max speed: 55~km/h
Min speed before stall: 5~15km/h
FPV flight/radius: 4~12km max (given above FPV spec/setup)
Max altitude: -
Bail-out/fail safe recovery altitude limit: 10~30m
FPV safe distance range for testing: 700~900m (Open field)
High angle of attack (AOA) tolerance limit before stall: Not applicable.
Ground "STOL" (Short Take Off and Landing) capability/thrust%: Takeoff 20m (60%)/ Landing 10m (20%)
Altitude climbing power/thrust%/AOA angle: 4 sec/per-meter at 45% thrust/20 degree
360 degree turning radius clearance/holding pattern: 15m
360 barrel roll/loop acro flight: Yes (Aerobatic)
Control expo - aileron: 45% (low to high)
Control expo - elevator: 45% (low to high)
Control expo - rudder: 45% (low to high)
Control end point - aileron: 80% (low to high)
Control end point - elevator: 100% (low to high)
Control end point - rudder: 100% (low to high)
Flight time: 35~55 min
Ground spotter visibility (LOS): 400~600m5
Safety issue
Flies like a gentle swan and drop like a swaying leaves. This little floater posses little threat to any ground object. However care to be taken during its first built because factory assembly isn't 100% durable and tight build, factory dry glue may come off from the control rods and soldered wires are "cold soldered" and may fracture at their junction connector especially the motor micro bullet connector. Stock ESC on 3s will last less than 3~5 flights. Before maiden proceed to fix the mentioned issues.
Pros and Cons
Here are list of pros and cons about this platform. Some of this are needed to take seriously if you are going deep into long term FPV ambition
- Extremely lightweight airframe.
- Good altitude climber with less thrust power usage >>30~45%<< thrust.
- Open fuselage for ease installation, maintenance and cooling.
- Low wind resistance airframe fuselage provide better flight endurance and upright stability (pendulum effect)
- Low inertial ground impact risk due to extremely lightweight airframe.
- Best low speed cruising, relaxing control and 360 degree maneuverability.
- Small, portable and easy to dismantle the wings for packaging/travelling portability.
- Full throttle at beyond 75% and "force throttle" altitude climbing is useless and wasted too much power per-distance because the airframe speed efficiency decrease exponentially downwards. Best for slow relaxing flight and linear throttle only because its a slow flyer.
- Stock motor and stock ESC will burn if throttle beyond 85% on 3S lipo setup, immediate ESC replacement before first flight is compulsory.
- Factory glue on control rods, wing support and motor mounting are weak, needs extra fix and reinforcement work.
- CG sensitive platform required accurate hardware placement on the fuselage, anything exceed 750 gram of flight total weight will not offer a good performance and FPV flight handling.
Current status & flight history
My Drifter is still going strong still fun to fly around in any weather condition. Its still the best platform to have for multi-purposes role such as cross country adventure, path/trail finder, aerial video/photography, ground mapping, surveying, does excellent Search and Rescue platform for close to ground proximity flight. Not only it flies great but also great for travelling companion because its the platform can be easily disassemble and store inside a small compact box. The open skeletal airframe also is subject to unlimited possibilities of creative modification and future add-on/payload.
Lifespan operation: 3 years (updated on 19 June 2015 for Drifter #1 and #2)
Start operation: late 2012 (Drifter #1 and #2)
Total of active unit: 2x FPV Drifter Ultralight (1x UAV Drifter Ultralight #3 V5)
Maintenance priority check: Motor mounting
Constant critical issue: None
Maintenance cost per-lifespan: None
Flight hours accumulated per-lifespan on DRIFTER #1 (FPV): 824 hours (updated on 19 June 2015)
Flight hours accumulated per-lifespan on DRIFTER #2 (FPV/UAV): 831 hours (updated on 19 June 2015)
Best L.O.S distance record for Drifter #1 : 15km (updated on 19 June 2015)
Est. distance covered per-lifespan (FPV - Drifter#1): 18,950km (Odo) (updated on 19 June 2015)
Est. distance covered per-lifespan (FPV/UAV - Drifter#2): 17,211km (Odo) (updated on 19 June 2015)
Best height record: -
Best flight time record per-session: 55min (2200mah 3s 35C for Drifter #1 and #2)
Best low hovering speed record: 5km/h
Best record for zero thrust landing distance/power failure glide recovery distance: 1.5km/300m alti. via tail wind.
Activity status: Still active for all unit.
Latest Log:
(updated: 19/5/2016)
- New setup article on UAV Drifter Unit #3 V5 have been publish, which blog about Autonomous flight setup using APM (Ardupilot/Arduplane) system.
(updated: 7/11/2015)
- Drifter Unit #3 highly active in various autonomous mission and mapping activity, most operation are operating at average 100m altitude and made great long range autonomous flight while scanning/mapping throughout the terrains. All communication and links to Drifter unit #3 is via telemetry radio connected to android phone and windows notebook for mission planning and real time monitoring. Drifter Unit #1 also communicated in similar setup too.
(updated: 30/9/2015)
- Drifter Unit #1 resurrected with new replacement parts, flight controller no longer using ARKBIRD but instead uses open source APM MINI PRO similar to DRIFTER Unit #3 setup with reliable and efficient 18A ESC and new high capacity BEC. Expected to continue air services as usual.
(updated: 6/9/2015)
- Drifter Unit #1 crashed into the sea after video signal interrupted/cut out by external FPV model on the same area that uses illegal/non-FCC compliant over wattage video transmission (600mw) from newly setup ALIGN M4*0L quadcopter nearby operated by new user who seem to ignore the R/C flying rule book about respecting local video FPV frequency. Drifter Unit #1 retrieved thanks to local fisher man. Main wing tore apart. 808 #16 HD board and RUNCAM HS severed damaged, FC baro toasted, Elevtor damaged and electronics health status still unknown.
(updated: 5/8/2015)
- Acquired 3rd unit of Drifter into the fleet (Drifter #3), will be powered on 3DRobotics APM. This plane built specially super lightweight build for low altitude flight, high endurance and power efficient. Planned for off-shore flight, aerial photography and mission planned via Android powered Ground Station. One of most technological advance autonomous flight system among fleet of Drifters.
(updated: 17/1/2015)
- 2nd Drifter (Unit 2) receive pan-tilt upgrade for more improve "Search and Rescue" style cam 3d printed kit: The "XL-RCP 14.0 HAWX EYE" for Drifter Ultralight and compatible. Nose mounted lighweight nano pan-tilt camera for unobstructed full clear FPV view. Click here to view the 3d printing kit and downloads.
(updated: 22/1/2015)
- 1st Drifter (Unit 1) receive cockpit view pan-tilt upgrade the "XL-RCP 16.0 XYCLOPS" for additional extreme tilt feature and compact appearance. 3D printing parts for this kit available for download here .Click here to view the 3d printing kit and downloads.
(updated: 20/3/2015)
- Drifter #2 (Unit 2) now serve as "flight mule" to carry various HD camera devices from various vendor with payload up to max 93gram of camera weight for product test and review on consumer HD camera devices.
The ES Drifter Ultralight is the most relaxing FPV platform to fly, sit down and enjoy the scenery around the cockpit. However highly recommended to have basic r/c flight at least on a glider before flying it. A good CG will determine its flying characteristic, a slightly nose heavy is even better. Unlike the tough bash-able intermediate level plane the Drifter is a brittle platform, care taken not to push this brittle air frame to its limit. The Drifter is ideally a good platform to tour around local places at low altitude and slow paced flying, it even performed best if weight is highly reduced.
Videos/MediasHere are some of my video and gallery related to the above topics:
- Gallery: ES Drifter Ultralight - 950mm
- My Youtube channel: 3DXL
- My Videos:
- Ruler of the Wind and Clouds - Drifter Ultralight
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Far away Cloud Paradise
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Clear Straight Route Flight
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Sub Zero Visibility
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Cloud Paradise
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Cloudy New Year Eve
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Wet Stratus Clouds
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Another puffy cloud day
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Kite rumble in the clouds
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - New Muscle 2.0
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Mayday! Mayday! Engine failure!
- Windy tropical clouds - FPV drone Drifter Ultralight plane
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Clouds Surf Up
- Cloud Surfing season VIII - FPV drone Drifter Ultralight plane
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Cold Skies
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Ocean Roam
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Turbulent Wind
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Clear Soaring
- FPV flight Eyes of Eagle - Drifter ultralight 2015
- FPV Drifter ultralight - Cloud surfer
- FPV Drifter ultralight - 9km Sunrise flight
- FPV plane "Epic Moments" compilation (mixed: Drifter|Pitts|P-51D) Mustang)
- FPV Drifter Ultralight V3 - Walking in the clouds
- Super Clouds - FPV Drifter Ultralight V3
- FPV Drifter Ultralight plane - Warming Up Flight
- The Fog - FPV Drifter Ultralight V3
- SELFIE camera test - FPV Drifter Ultralight
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Cold Surfer
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - How to scale landing
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - Beyond the Sky
- FPV Drifter Ultralight - The Journey
- Drifter Ultralight - FPV
Shopping list
Here i've listed some raw material, hardware and stuff where you can start building your own FPV platform. The list contain the above hardware and also include some compatible ones which you can pickup what suits best for your need and your budget. So come dig around and start your tech flying ambition:
- Platform/Airframe:
- Radio set/combo:
- Flysky TH9x combo (Mode 1)
- Flysky TH9x combo (Mode 2)
- Turnigy 9X combo (Mode 1)
- Turnigy 9X combo (Mode 2)
- FrSKY TARANIS X9D ACCST 2.4ghz transmitter version B
- FrSky DHT 8CH DIY compatible telemetry transmitter module (Advance installation required)
- Frsky V8FR-II 2.4ghz 8ch receiver HV version
- Frsky V8R7-II 2.4ghz 8ch receiver
- Motor/ESC/BEC:
- Servo:
- E-MAX ES08MA analog metal micro servo
- TOWER PRO SG90 micro servo 9g (Most popular among r/c plane builder similar to HXT900 servo)
- TOWER PRO MG995 metal geared micro servo 9g
- TOWER PRO SG90S metal geared micro servo 9g
- E-MAX ES3154 mini
- VWINRC MG90D metal gear servo 9g
- E-MAX ES08MA analog metal gear micro servo
- Camera/HD/DVR:
- 700TVL CMOS 1280x960 resolution nano
- BOSCAM CM205 5.8ghz FPV wireless mini CMOS camera (Excellent for super nano indoor FPV models, tricky but good stuff)
- Keychain 808 #16 V1 HD camera
- Keychain 808 #16 V3 HD (With live output and HD recording, most popular among r/c and FPV use)
- 1/3 600TVL CMOS NTSC (Best on mini 200 size FPV platform with advantage of generic interchangeable lens)
- 1/3 600TVL CMOS PAL (Best on mini 200 size FPV platform with advantage of generic interchangeable lens)
- FATSHARK 1/3 600TVL CMOS NTSC/PAL (Best on mini 200 size FPV platform with advantage of generic interchangeable lens)
- BOSCAM HD19 Plus Explorer Full 1080p RC Aerial Photography FPV camera
- Mobius 1080p HD (Excellent quality)
- Y3000 720p HD mini (Super lightweight)
- Flight controller/AP System/OSD:
- FEIYU TECH FY 41AP Lite autopilot (Quick Plug N Fly autopilot system)
- REMZIBI OSD v1.79 GPS (Small enough to fit into any plane and give accurate measurement)
- Simple 3-axis flight stabilizer for airplane
- SKYLARK Dianmu OSD with GPS and Barometer
- APM 2.5.2 flight board (For advance ARDUINO user)
- APM 2.6 flight board (For advance ARDUINO user)
- APM 2.6 with GPS (For advance ARDUINO user and extended autonomous flight)
- APM 2.6 with GPS + OSD + radio telemetry system (For advance ARDUINO user and extended autonomous flight)
- PIXHAWK 2.3 flight controller ATM32F4 APM PX4 (For advance ARDUINO user and extended autonomous flight)
- RCD 3060/Simple OSD (Super budget)
- MWC Mega 3.0 MegapirateNG flight controller (For advance ARDUINO user and most popular for budget open source use)
- HK G-OSDIII with GPS (Budget but not all that accurate gauge)
- ARKBIRD OSD/GPS Autopilot system (Excellent for fixed winged)
- ARKBIRD Tiny bakancer/stabilizer controller board for fixed winged plane
- Video transmitter/combo:
- BOSCAM 2.4ghz 500mw transmitter + receiver (Better obstacle penetration but recomended your radio controller uses other than 2.4ghz to avoid conflict)
- BOSCAM 5.8ghz 200mw transmiter (Basic)
- BOSCAM 5.8Ghz 400w transmitter
- BOSCAM 5.8ghz 8ch receiver
- BOSCAM 5.8Ghz 400w transmitter + receiver combo
- BOSCAM 5.8ghz 600mw transmitter 32ch (Medium range)
- BOSCAM 5.8ghz 600mw transmitter + receiver combo 32ch (Medium range)
- BOSCAM RC305 8ch wireless Audio/Video receiver (Basic requirement for 5.8ghz)
- BOSCAM 5.8ghz 200mw transmitter + receiver combo pack
- BOSCAM AIO FPV video goggle GS920 with receiver 2.4ghz/5.8ghz (Excellent for serious FPV flyer)
- BOSCAM AIO FPV video goggle GS922 with diversified receiver and built-in DVR
- SKYZONE SKY-01 FPV video goggle with receiver 5.8ghz diversity antenna build-in (Excellent for serious FPV flyer)
- SKYZONE SKY-700D FPV 5.8ghz 32ch monitor + DVR (Excellent for starter and complete DVR combo)
- SKYZONE RC702 SKY-702 5.8ghz 7" AIO diversity receiver monitor
- FPV 7" TFT LCD monitor 800x480 screen with audio (Excellent for budget beginner DIY FPV build)
- FATSHARK Predator V2 FPV video goggle complete combo package (Popular choice but only works with FATSHARK video/audio transmitter compatibles)
- FATSHARK Teleporter V3 FPV video goggle complete combo package HD (Popular choice but only works with FATSHARK video/audio transmitter compatibles)
- FATSHARK DOMINATOR FPV video goggle (Excellent for expert/performance DIY FPV system)
- FATSHARK BASE HD (Popular customizable choice but only works with FATSHARK video/audio transmitter compatibles)
- Battery:
- YKS 2200mah 3s 25c 11.1v
- High rate 2200mah 3s 25c 11.1v
- High rate 2200mah 3s 35c 11.1v
- WILD SCORPION 2200mah 3s 30c 11.1v
- WILD SCORPION 2200mah 3s 35c 11.1v
- ACE 2200mah 3s 20c 11.1v (Really good performance)
- ACE 2200mah 3s 25c 11.1v (Really good performance)
- ACE 2200mah 3s 30c 11.1v (Really good performance)
- LION POWER 2200mah 3s 25c 11.1v
- LION POWER 2200mah 3s 30c 11.1v
- LION POWER 2200mah 3s 35c 11.1v
Building threads/Referral
If you don't know where to begin with i recommend you to start reading some guides, wikis and building tips from popular on-line resources as listed below. You might find me wondering around some popular R/C and FPV forum below.
- Rcgroups Drifter Ultralight FPV build discussion
- Rcgroups FPV forum
- http://www.rcgroups.com
- http://www.fpvlab.com
- http://www.diydrones.com
- http://www.rcuniverse.com
- http://www.flitetest.com
- http://fpv-forum.com
- http://www.rcexplorer.se
- http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/bhabbott/Servo.html