Here as some FAQ for general public info. These are common question that most curious public wanted to know what FPV is and to educate them rather than not knowing. I'm giving my answer based on my experience than theoretically. I hope the guides below help some curious joe public and allow them to understand and also educated other both general public and other FPV pilot too.
FAQ list:
- So what is "FPV" flight?
- Drone?
- Do i need to be afraid of this?
- Is it dangerous? What are the risk?
- Where do they get all this stuff?
- Is it possible of privacy invasion?
- Do they have right to fly such places?
- How do i know their intention is good or bad?
- How do i know if this FPV pilot is/are ethical ,very professional and experience pilot?
- Should i interrupt FPV pilot flying when i know he/she is/are flying illegally?
- Do i have right to background check the FPV pilot in the public?
- Why is it that drone flying/FPV activity growing rapid in usage among public and created media sensation?
FAQ answer list:
- So what is "FPV" flight?
"FPV" is a short term for "First Person View" flight. Its a flying r/c remote control model strapped with CCTV wireless camera technology the same surveillance CCTV security camera technology you have at home or in the office. Jus check up some details at Wikipedias here:
- Drone?
- Yes sometimes you can call it drone depends from various point of personal and authority view. Public and media called it drone, the government and regulatory bodies called it UAS/UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), Hobbyist called it FPV and simple minded called it flying cameras. They all don't carry any weapon due to its load carrying limitation other than cameras.
- Yes sometimes you can call it drone depends from various point of personal and authority view. Public and media called it drone, the government and regulatory bodies called it UAS/UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), Hobbyist called it FPV and simple minded called it flying cameras. They all don't carry any weapon due to its load carrying limitation other than cameras.
- Do i need to be afraid of this?
- If you see one flying around the park mostly piloted by hobbyist for enjoyment and self achievement. If you see them flying around sensitive area such as housing or urban area maybe you should be concern. Ethical hobby pilot shouldn't be there unless for a reason than privacy intrusion. You can approach to them and query about their activity. Ethical r/c pilot will let you know what they are doing because the always backed up with solid reason. Unethical pilot however is vice versa and will keep silent which easily let you off some non-verbal hint. Before you let off some steam check if they have valid online website profile of their expertise or resume for their positive activity, pro people always have solid professional flying background. Check out your nearest hobby shop to identify who's piloting it. Most local hobby shop know such person due to close ties to hobby community.
- If you see one flying around the park mostly piloted by hobbyist for enjoyment and self achievement. If you see them flying around sensitive area such as housing or urban area maybe you should be concern. Ethical hobby pilot shouldn't be there unless for a reason than privacy intrusion. You can approach to them and query about their activity. Ethical r/c pilot will let you know what they are doing because the always backed up with solid reason. Unethical pilot however is vice versa and will keep silent which easily let you off some non-verbal hint. Before you let off some steam check if they have valid online website profile of their expertise or resume for their positive activity, pro people always have solid professional flying background. Check out your nearest hobby shop to identify who's piloting it. Most local hobby shop know such person due to close ties to hobby community.
- Is it dangerous? What are the risk?
- Nowadays FPV models comes in various platform and sizes. Most of the real threats is the size and weight of the flying FPV machine. The real damage is when it falls to the ground hitting living and non-living thing causing injury or death. Any flying machine is not guarantee to function efficient 100% even if was made by reputable manufacturer or home built, technical and pilot error always happen which is why most regulatory bodies especially the recent FAA issues comes in. By 2013 most of these FPV models especially Multi-rotors with HD camera can be bought from the shelf online, mall and nearest hobby shop without proper supervision and formal R/C flying training because advance electronic assisted flying makes it easier for new comer to fly. A first timer may go rogue assume technology such as imbedded GPS will assist safe fly but actually its not always be. GPS locking error, overheating electronic, misjudge flying distance and lack of flying common sense always the factor of various reported crashes around the world.
- Nowadays FPV models comes in various platform and sizes. Most of the real threats is the size and weight of the flying FPV machine. The real damage is when it falls to the ground hitting living and non-living thing causing injury or death. Any flying machine is not guarantee to function efficient 100% even if was made by reputable manufacturer or home built, technical and pilot error always happen which is why most regulatory bodies especially the recent FAA issues comes in. By 2013 most of these FPV models especially Multi-rotors with HD camera can be bought from the shelf online, mall and nearest hobby shop without proper supervision and formal R/C flying training because advance electronic assisted flying makes it easier for new comer to fly. A first timer may go rogue assume technology such as imbedded GPS will assist safe fly but actually its not always be. GPS locking error, overheating electronic, misjudge flying distance and lack of flying common sense always the factor of various reported crashes around the world.
- Where do they get all this stuff?, and mostly eastern country online where the cheapest. Most popular by current trend for 2013 is PHANTOM by DJI comes with HD cams and easly flown by anyone without flying experience at 3 digit USD spending. Now everyone can fly a "drone". That's bad news. However DIY home build can spend less than $USD150 for a complete drone flying multi-rotor experience with wireless video life feed in your living room TV and HD camera ranging size and weight from a small as 60g to 2kg is possible.
- Is it possible of privacy invasion?
- I have to admit it it is possible if it fall in the wrong hands, it may not fire a projectile which is "common sense" dangerous but only taking video via secondary HD camera mounting but usually this type of FPV platform are mostly Multi-rotor platform of 3 to 8 rotor configuration hover-able stationary which buzzy sounds can be heard before it reach to your location. The FPV pilot may not able to see crisp details via wireless live video feed because its derived from CCTV grainy video. Only acquired HD footage once landed and retrieved its onboard SD card recording on Go-Pro or small HD keychain camera.
- I have to admit it it is possible if it fall in the wrong hands, it may not fire a projectile which is "common sense" dangerous but only taking video via secondary HD camera mounting but usually this type of FPV platform are mostly Multi-rotor platform of 3 to 8 rotor configuration hover-able stationary which buzzy sounds can be heard before it reach to your location. The FPV pilot may not able to see crisp details via wireless live video feed because its derived from CCTV grainy video. Only acquired HD footage once landed and retrieved its onboard SD card recording on Go-Pro or small HD keychain camera.
- Do they have right to fly such places?
- The rights to fly certain places depended on ones common sense since there no set of rules define since these flying camera comes in different size, weight, grade and purposes. Obviously you cannot fly over airport, dense populated city, private sensitive area or playground full of kids. If you see them flying in the open space, unpopulated FAA regulated below 400ft regulation, at r/c club field or non-protected area that should be fine.
- However the golden thumb rules is not to let anything heavy, spin rotor buzz like a grass cutter and heavy metal or fiberglass object flew over your head. That is similar to flying a lawn mover. If you as a general public spot, inspect and confirm if it is dangerous immediately prohibit and report to the authority.
- How do i know their intention is good or bad?
- Hobby FPV pilot fly because they wanted to prove their creation works perfect and enjoy their creation achievement by flying scenic places, challeng
ing flight and have no interest in other privacy. Some FPV lone FPV pilot do fly around urban and housing area for challenges or public exposure/publicity. If they fly in the open places away from public property especially houses then it is ok but if they flew over people given the size and the weight of the platform this should be prohibited due to weight based risk of crashing and injury.
- Hobby FPV pilot fly because they wanted to prove their creation works perfect and enjoy their creation achievement by flying scenic places, challeng
- How do i know if this FPV pilot is/are ethical ,very professional and experience pilot?
- An R/c FPV pilot should not fly anything big, heavy, metallic metal, fiberglass and rotor that cut like a grass cutter above living things, homes and urban property. Worse if it is equipped with professional big heavy DSLR camera, heavy aerial video equipment or anything added huge kilogram value to its weight due to crash impact risk and injury unless proper license grant and insurance held. HAM radio license are required too if pursue commercial interest.
- FPV pilot prohibited to generate money by taking photos/video of other property as regulated by UAV non-commercial rules.
- A person must able to control their flying models without FPV assisted flight through Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS)..without LCD and goggle.
- Able to fly and land without GPS assisted flight
- FPV operator must have a ground station (Ground secondary LCD wireless monitor for guest/visitor viewing) for public viewing to allow monitoring and privacy watch concern, this reduce curiosity and doubt-ness too whom concern.
- Strong ties with R/C communities, excellent background in general r/c flying (non-FPV), online feedback/resume, clubs and networked of R/C member.
- Able to fly any non-FPV platform (helicopter, multi-rotor, planes, glider, EDF, scale and others), hand build and technical understanding of R/C hardware.
- Should i interrupt an FPV pilot or drone operator flying when i know he/she is/are flying illegally?
No you should not due to safety reason, if you felt curious let him fly and landed his flying model first before starting a conversation. I repeat you must let him finish flying and "land" his model first before taking any proper action. Any interruption during his flight verbal/non-verbal or physical assault will cause the pilot to loose control of the model and crashes into unsuspected places, living or non-living thing causing damages and lawsuits (as happened before in the some info).
- Do i have right to background check the FPV pilot in the public?
- Yes you can, you do have right to query and get as much info as you can from R/C FPV pilot. Ethical FPV pilot will also be helpful to give you more info and background about their activity. If they are really good at flying they can also talk to you while he/she is concentrating flying his/her FPV models at the same time you pose some audible query. They will also let you experience hands on FPV flight experience, share technical details and provide you nearest community/club related to his activity. Such FPV person usually have strong bond and ties with it the community he/she is operating it and have referral should you be in doubt.
- However if the R/C FPV pilot isn't give you positive background feedback info, lack social response and suspicious you can call the authority for action. That person might be doing some privacy intrusion or flying unethically.
- Why is it that drone flying/FPV activity growing rapid in usage among public and created media sensation?
Two words "Curiosity" and "Commercial".
- Drone technology in people mind is a big technological leap which is a must have gadget. With the advancement of cheap miniaturized electronics in smartphone and GPS driven devices give rise to affordable mini drone technology in the hands of public for less the USD$300 budget made from low cost competitive eastern industry. Curiosity driven customer wanted to try out "the flying camera" is something of a big thing especially posting cool videos and photos at social medias. More people buying means more profit and sales. Thus creating new commercial opportunity in electronics industry, jobs, on-line websites and rival market. Today in 2014 local statistic finding show 8 out of 10 local supermarket will carry flying miniature multi-rotor drone with HD capable video recordings for less than USD$40. Yes "Curiosity" drives "Commercial". The higher the sales the higher the public drone incident publish in the media and youtube. This figure only shows number of consumer of non-R/C experience making more problem for the public airspace. This trend is irreversible because of long established expansion of drone/FPV technology to the public, any banned and strict regulation causing a collapse of electronic economy, job losses and also affect SAR, military and scientific development. Take note that smartphones, tablet, security equipment, cameras manufacturing are now heavily linked to drone/FPV technology and manufacturing dependency.