Surprise! As planned earlier from previous post (LT832 article) check out my recent ultra budget R/C race track project! ...now i can start staying lazy at home and save me fuel to go out to race track..hohoho! An ultra simple DIY indoor track with just $5 dollar to spent building it and also it took me just 1 hour to build after the tiled floor completely cleaned up. Now there is a purpose for me to build and own micro racer..muhahahaha! The track was build dedicated to cater my need to race my 1:32 scale racer, small track yet huge fun!...however it won't fit my Kyosho Mini-z or anything above 1:28 scaler. If you remember my previous review about the LT832B buggy then you knew this track is already coming its way.....and as i have planned before i've already accumulated total of 3x LT832 models from various variant; buggy, short course to truck version all been converted into replica Tamiya buggies of my choice (Actually i just re-scaled my previous 3d print works). However instead of the goal of accumulating 4x models i'm happy enough with just 3x because of limited budget but definitely 3d printed kit will always come in hot more often when i have time design it. The track size is about approximately 920cm (length) x 280cm (wide) on ceramic tile surface having driving lane width average of 60~70cm enough to fit 2x LT832/Losi Micro-T models racing side by side with some extra slacks to swerve around freely. Because the track is smaller than 'competition' standard i have to reduce my throttle end point to 70% to avoid over shoot the track length, having moderate speed to twist and turn around the track. Overall track circuit designed so to have slalom, high speed straight line acceleration, speed turns and jumps enough technical challenges to test both the driver and the models technical capability.
My DIY indoor track specification:
Size in length x width (cm): approximately 920cm x 280cm
Driving lane width (cm): approximately 60cm~70cm
Flooring: Ceramic tile
Track wall/barrier/railing: 5mm Nylon rope
Track characteristic: slalom course + high speed acceleration, jumps, high speed turns and switchbacks
Track ornaments: Jump ramps, mini tack bumps and cones
Model suited for: 1:32 scale LT832/Losi Micro-T off-roader with rubber compound tire.
Average building cost: USD$5
Periodic maintenance: Sweeping the tile floor only.
*Disclaimer about my track design
If you own a stock out of box RTR unit of 1:32 ERGOFLY/JJRC LT832B/T/S with no modification as depicted from my previous article here and you attempt to replicate my track design so you could enjoy the model.. please be aware that this track design cater for electronically modded LT832 series which have better steering precision (true proportional) so it can run the track with smoothly. Running a stock non-modded LT832 will results in harsh handling and disappointment. If you need support visit our forum here: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3110138-JJRC-LT832-1-32-RTR-Buggy-Stadium-Truck-Short-Course-Truck
How did i build the track?
Its so simple to build! Everyone can do it without extra brain power as long you have ample space for 1:32 scale or any scale to roam about without struggle to drive straight line or cornering. For my track i build on floor with ceramic tile.
For the material you'll need:
Nylon rope with 5mm diameter
Nylon rope is used to create side wall or railing for the track. Since i'm going to build the track for 1:32 scale LT832 (Losi Micro-T clone)race buggies a 5mm diameter nylon rope thickness is ample enough for side wall railing and also low enough height for the buggies to leap over the rope if cross over is necessary. If the rope is too thin the buggies might easily 'skid' to other the lane easily during cornering and if its too high it won't able to cross over if needed. Nylon rope i use are thick, flexible enough to create curvy track lane, easy to clean, doesn't mold and stick nicely on the tile flooring when bonded together with hot glue.
Sticky tape
Sticky tape is temporarily used to hold the nylon rope to the floor tile so its easily to get hold on to when applying hot glue between the rope and the flooring. It will be removed once the hot glue dried and bonded well. -
Hot glue
Used to bond the nylon rope and the flooring.
Since i build my track indoor about the size of 920cm x 280cm (approx.) most of my flooring are made from rough patio style tiling build for typical house verandah/corridor. Ceramic tiling floor are easy to clean and great surface for common R/C models stock rubber tyre. Here are how i prepared and setup my track.
Clean the place first with water and soap to scrub off dusts, dirt and grimes so that its easy for the hot glue to stick on the surface. Usually i'll let the area dry for a day (24 hours) and proceed with the task of layout the track the next day. -
Measure the space
I have to measure the size of the track so i could determine the actual design of my mini race circuit om paper. -
Planning and Drafting
Sketch a plan on paper and pencil how your race track looked like with your current available space. Should max out all available space used in the track to tricked out driving skills and models capability. -
Rope laying
Start laying the rope based on the track design you sketched. Lay the rope according to the position you wanted and then use sticky tape to keep the rope firm in its place so that its easy to hold them down to the flooring when doing some hot gluing. -
Prepare hot gluing
Dab some hot glue between the rope and the flooring and make sure they are bonded nicely. With hot glue even its bonded solid you can actually peel it safely next time without damaging both the rope and the floor tiling since hot glue characteristic are more like peel-able 'on time sticky' gum. -
After the track completely secured with hot glue then you can add some decoration or track ornaments such as race cone, bumps, start line/grid tape and jumping ramp to make the race track more lively.
Track handling and driving experience
I have to say after a month driving this track its a joy to say that after coming back home from work, waking up early in the morning during my day off and even on weekend the track delivers adrenaline thrills of whizzing my micro with steering twisting turns and tight rope speed down the lane complimenting my own driving skills and at the same time enjoy the buggies in action under my very own race space. So i have my own cool mini playground to bash 24/7...no longer to go out to the local R/C venue and skate park to bash my micro, yay! At first its a bit harder to drive due to narrow driving lane when you compare to standard size racing track like as seen people driving on RCP track or typical 1:18 track but slowly i get used to it and impressed myself being skillfully able to navigate such narrow space while keeping the all wheels on the ground when cornering and leap from the ramp. Although racing on tile floor not as trendy or as cool as RCP style foamy track at leat i don't have to spend a fortune to have one, at the moment a simple few meters foam will cost almost hundreds of dollars...that's a lot of bling just to run my sub $50 micro racer. Besides after running few laps on my DIY track i didn't notice any disadvantages or faulty because it felt as nice as racing or tarmac base race track which i used to bash as our local R/C race circuit on stock rubber tyre. I used to play at local club indoor 1:24/1:18 circuit and 1:10/1:8 scale tarmac based race track but having your very own indoor track keeps me active all day without having to drive to destination. For my R/C track i have to adjust my model setup to have full EPA on the steering about 120% steering throw so it can turn sharper on steep corner and cap the throttle at 70% end point to make it more drivable yet still punchy enough to pull some acceleration after going out from cornering around the track then into straight line...yes my LT832 buggies is on punchy 2S li-po so it would more likely to wheelie or 'all hell break loose' at 100% EPA. FYI at 70% it still runs like stock KYOSHO MINI-Z speed... my previous 1st videos on LT832B review at local skate park should give you an idea how fast it was.
Here are some of my video and gallery related to the above topics:
- Gallery for my DIY indoor track (Shared in LT832B gallery): 1/32 ERGOFLY LT832B micro buggy ..a LOSI Micro-T clone
- My Youtube channel: 3DXL
- My Videos: DIY home made budget R/C track for micro racer LT832 & Losi Micro-T
Support group:
Places where you can find help and resources related to this projects:
Topic: Rcgroups.com - JJRC LT832 1/32 RTR Buggy Stadium Truck & Short Course Truck
Topic: Rctech.net - Share your DIY budget racing track for micro. LT832, Losi Micro-T and etc
Topic: Rcuniverse - LT832 micro 1:32 off-roader diy modifications + 3d prints Tamiya kits
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Losi_Micro_T
Having my own 1:32 scale track not only helps to sharpen my driving skills and keep me fully occupied during my spare time but also helps to promote grows of interest into technical world of micro racers which proven now that i've accumulate more micro buggies after the recent introduction of LT832B and also other models which came before it. As mentioned earlier because i owned myself an indoor track i have reasoning to build more custom micros through 3d printing technology and also research other possibilities of building more racer platform not only for 1:32 scale but might be into 1:43 or smaller onces since micro racer doesn't take much space, resources nor time unlike bigger scale models....which you can see from my hangar gallery where some collected dusts. With this track i can stick at my home under the cool shade and bring my buddies over anytime for R/C bashes. If you remember my previous article and build about my proud 1:35 scale 4x4 ORLANDOO crawlers collection and my custom build crawler track 'Rubble Wasteland' today it still remain my favorite pastime 4x4 activity under the roof remained progressive with development and customization because i have a 'platform' to run my models..."have a track will go!", i don't have to waste my time too much outdoor under the sun which many hobbyist give up being 'old' and aging..lol. So well said having a track is a must for every R/C on-road and off-roader a like because without it you wouldn't enjoy full potential as 'stable' avid hobbyist especially if you don't have much time or commitment going out from comfort of your home. So now you all know where i will be on every weekends, lol. So make an effort to make your R/C enthusiasm grow..build a track!
Related topic or hardware build dependency
Below are related article that are also part of DIY track acticle.