A day will come when my desire conquer my rational mind. For a designer no designs will fill the greed and satisfaction unless a true object of desire is found. In walks of life we've seen tonnes of supercars and uban exotics wheeler roam on earth. My aim is to create a supercar that can able to speak itself as true speed thriller and road outlaw. A car that speaks louder than words and catch every hearts of speed enthusiast. So i decided to design a car which......
General info | model: CYBORX CD 10.0 XL-GT | original release plan: race simulation | original release genre: game | 3d tool: Z-modeler | texture tools: Corel Photopaint | original date release: 31-3-2005 | last Updated: --
Specification | production code: 15022005 | original format: Z3d (Z-modeler) | optional format: 3ds (3d Studio) | avg face count: 73775 | avg vertices count: 63408 | (unit) x max texture size: (2x) 1024x1024 | (unit) x min texture size: (2x) 512x512 | reflection texture size: (1x) 256x256 | optional parts: yes (showcase - *swing) | transparency parts: yes | reflection support: yes | showcase ready: yes | uncompress file size: 8.35 mb | recommended tools: Z-modeler v1.07 | model type: street GT
3D view |
In-game |
Internal A |
Internal B |