It's been 20 years SupermotoXL (SupermotoXL Designs) website exist since the days when it was first born under Geocities domain under various naming before it came as it is today carrying forward great projects and works since my college days late 90's. As we're about the enter the great year of 2020 its about time i've release a new Blog website to cater and compliments my life time hobby works. This month my new Blog site officially launched to extend and share my inspiration to the public.
What is & differences between two websites?
This new website cater my daily Blog sharing my inspiration, tips, quick sneak peak of incoming projects, 'freestyling' projects or anything that doesn't seem to fit in for publishing at At my Project website the usually publishes detailed documenation of my original projects, hobby, medias and reviews which consider as final official releases. You can say that website are very formal, detailed and much "Project Oriented" content publishing. At however the contents are Blog oriented; article post usually published almost on daily basis where it's about 'small talk', personal opinion, sneak peak of ideas, common topic of hobby interest, life hacks and most importantly reveal 'quick' simple projects that doesn't need full documentation. You can say this Blog also will host my 'freestyle' works and sketchs of ideas or opinion before it becomes official. Blog site also will serve to keep newborn 'cache' of ideas, news or topic before it get mature and transfer its solid contents/projects to project site for formal archive. So if the're new ideas it get published at my Blog site, once the ideas becomes an official projects or products it will get publish and hosted at project site. Sometime this blog site will also have 'backstage information' which does not carry at Project site eg; the story behind pictures taken by drones or FPV. So both website have different niche of contents. For example this month you might notice both site have different set downloadables MACROSS valkyrie fighter designs; however the Blog site carries the unofficial 'freestyle' models designs while the Project site carries the original version of the designs 'formal' documentation and spec. Of course the blog website still carry RSS information updates from project site to let you know you're not missing any updates on both sides.
Blog's visual orientation & 'Minimalist' theme design and domain name carry the same last name tag ending 'XL' which reflect my vision and wishdom...'going out large in life'. The website platform itself almost the same except the 'visual' presentation of its contents are extremely different in many ways. In website everything looks handful to read, serious, formal and informative. But in blog site the reading contents are short, minimalistic and more graphically or visual orientated when viewed in 'Landscape' mode in any web browser except downfall in 'Portrait' mode. The website design layout with contast spacious background photos are inspired by printed media or encylopedia book page design layout which contrast on visual photo and small print of text description on bottom left corner to give that nostalgic feeling of fun watching book page , magazines, encyclopedia like printed page just like how i used to enjoy reading when i was a kid in the book library. This way i'll let the background image do the overall talk about my blog topics... 'a picture tell lots of stories'. Most importantly the Blog site deliver the message of 'Minimalism Concept'..less is always more! a relax feeling and visually or artistically enjoyed to looks at.
OverallSo there you go a Personal Blog site vs Project site both two different entity under the same Author. Since its a blog site you're more likely to see me posting lots of 'simple' stuff and 'sketches' of ideas because its easier and time saving to post a short 'visual' blog article than on my serious Project website at which needed more formal preparation to create an articles. Fortunately both website share the same social media channel on my Youtube, Twitter and Instagram, so you don't have to be jumpy when follow me around. Since website just started it sill in infancy state but slowly it will grow, changed to adapt and mature like its big brother website. Hopefully you'll visit more since i'll be posting more blog contents to keep you entertained and well inform. Hope to see you there. ;)
David L.