Slow week today, guess what's occupied my spare times, Just got my "dream come through" micro rock crawler r/c model sized between 1/45-1/50 from Japanese online r/c hobby store. Its YOKOMO NANOQLO. So small i could sneek into my pocket to anywhere, credit card size definately.  At decent price for a for a decent hobby hardware to keep me inspired for days saving me commitment from going outdoors, it might help evolutionized my ideas for next off-roading design as i play and experiment around the tracks.  Sounds like we're going to have Rock Crawling models to be design and build again in this year so heads up guys.   Around 10cm in length, fully proportional (except for laggy servo), sticky rubbery tires, 4WD  with motors on axles, 1S lipo, around 10 minutes charging, Average 40 minutes of runtime with awesome crawling power on impossible obstacles anytime any where.  Am i happy? Yeah! Its was a best solution to my R/C addiction at a small price.  Should be another reason why report for project XYBORX going pretty slow lately this week because busy behind those micro wheels.  Well said "All day work with no play make jack a dull guy".


Here my gallery on NANOQLO (View here).









