This theme designed tribute to NVIDIA for their effort bringing 3d technology to a new level. I've been using NVIDIA graphic througout my design rendering both 3d works, games and graphics (Until it got fried under heat). Else i wouldn't be here. However their products a bit pricey for me this year and i ended up with ATI for a while after still stuck in AGP based PC. Well lets not forget their contribution and my 80% salute to NVIDIA.
If you're fans of NVIDIA graphics then this car is for you. You can also downloaded HD version of this car at SDK page section in this website. Enjoy.
General info | models: XAVAGE CD 24.7 XL-GTR | platform: PC / Mac (e2) | version: 4x4 evo2 | class: Career | default access in game: NISSAN | avg file size: 6.54MB (evo2) | date released: 26-Dec-2009
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Full view B |
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