Hi!, Missed me? Well first sorry being away too long from from this site and delays on my 3D work. I has been carried away with lots of outdoor activity mostly doing Radio Control flying and cycling daily. I losses 15KG in weight and feel much healthy and younger by a decade thanks to healthy lifestyle, lol!. Being out there away from computer once in a while is a positive lifestyle and not get too nerdy and fat infront of computer so a break is a necessity for me and good for my mind too. Speaking of me flying my Radio Control models i did have a great time for months flying into the wide blue sky and get to socialized more and meet handful of friends which is good for social activity. I got myself 2x units of 450 sized helicopter which currently active and soon to be a glider pilot next month...hopefully i can get to mods one of the helis into an AIRWOLF. I've uploaded some of my onboard video cam flying in first person view in Youtube so you can check them out at our Video gallery section.

So what's my next plan? I think i would like to continue where i left my work: "XYBORX" that is, I do remember i stuck somewhere between building the cockpit interior and painting it so progress should be around 50% i think. Along the way my hands do feel very itchy to pick up a pencil and sketch a new car design which i already had in my mind so somewhere before end of the year 2011 we'll see a new prototype models just to show case what's up after number "32".