So you want to master painting skills? got your tools ready?  In this tutorial i will show you some basic stuff you need to know about paint jobs and what are feature you should use in commercial/popular paint editor/Photoshop.


Tools to be used in tutorial:

updated :  23/9/2002
Features in  paint program [commercial version]
Caution: The tutorial below are for those who have been using paint program and have basic knowledge using it.  The component in this tutorial are essential enough to guide you through skin making for truck.
Features/FX Info Before [image] After [image]
Blur/Gaussian Blur Make the image look blurry or out of focus. Good for making shadow image, or smoke effect.  You can create shadow contour on side wall or edge of your truck skins to create virtually smooth edge on rough poly object or hide sharp 3d edges.
Blur/Gaussian Blur:  (make smoke effect) Finish reading the above "Gaussian Blur" tutorial?  Now try this out: make a "wobbly line" or type a wobbly font like "Brushscript" or "Staccato Bold" font with long lines and apply "Gaussian Blur">>
Emboss Transforms an image into 3 dimensional relief. Good for making lines on doors, hoods and other parts of the truck/car
Masking Used to select an area with marquee visible to edit image property, marker.



Distort Create an image distortion like wind effect, motion distortion, offset and etc. Good for making sweep/speeding effect on your truck/ car presentation image.
Sharpen Sharpen an image contour to make it look sharper or restore blurred image.  Ideal for restore racing decals and blurry sticker images.
Motion blur Create x, z, and y axis motion with blurry movement.
Radial blur Create a spinning/rotation effect on an image.  Ideal for painting  a high rpm rotation on wheels for image presentation.
Soften Soften  harsh edge of an image.  Ideal for smoothing racing decals and sticker.
Plastic Create bumpy/plastic like surface, ideal for parts maker to create realistic bumpy looks like rims flange, car bumper, dash boards, engine parts, rear lights and etc.